Well that was quite a Sunday!
I started off the day in Sydenham Methodist church, giving “the Dock Talk” (as well as causing some nice carnage by attempting to re-enact the David-and-Goliath story). I’m still loving spending my Sunday mornings visiting loads of different churches and denominations – sometimes up-front to talk about The Dock, sometimes as a visitor and a “regular punter” in the pews. Why am I telling you about Sydenham Methodist in particular? Well you might be hearing a little bit more about them in future weeks… stay tuned….
Next it was back to the Titanic Quarter to watch the TQ 10K run in action. Apart from feeling like a complete pudding in my Sunday Best and pointy shoes while everyone around me was looking fit and healthy in trainers and running gear, it was fantastic to see the Arc Apartments bunged with people – runners, families, locals, visitors… Some of the neighbours we met at Meet the Neighbours were in the middle of it all, loving seeing their area become a community. There was a hog roast, bouncy castles, sunburnt people slurping ice-creams…
And in the middle of it all, running for The Dock, was Kev the Running Rev, braving the beating heat to run the 10K in aid of the ‘Dock Boat Fund’. The pic on the left is before the race, in the middle is the “after” photo (looking remarkably fit and unflustered, you’ve gotta say…) and on the right is the sponsor form with all the details of how you can support Kev’s run. Get downloading now!
And here’s a 10-second message from the man himself:
Then it was time for another great Dock Walk – a fantastic mixture of people, a blazing hot day, time to chat, time to be quiet, time to think, time to walk (or, if we’re honest, stroll – it was very warm) and as always time to connect over coffees at the Premier Inn at the end of it all. Followed by:
Next it was off over the road to the Odyssey Arena, where some Dock Walkers joined the streaming queues to go to church in the Odyssey Arena. Not quite my usual Sunday evening… as a special event, the Metropolitan Tabernacle were holding their Sunday evening service in the Odyssey, with choirs, drama, singers (including a close-harmony acapella group) and a message from Pastor McConnell. Then, on the way out, The Dock got to help with the distribution of leaflets for another event coming up in the Odyssey: a visit from Angus Buchan, a world-famous author whose book Faith Like Potatoes has brought inspiration and hope to thousands. So, at the doors, it was the Metropolitan Tabernacle, the Angus Buchan team, and The Dock working in harmony – talk about a Shared Medley!
The Angus Buchan event is on the 27th and 28th May and you can find out more here.