Thanks to movies, Friends, and the general cultural invasion of America on an unsuspecting world, Thanksgiving Day is becoming a global festival. To which The Dock says – hurrah! It can’t be a bad idea to set aside a day to be thankful for the plentiful blessings which can be found even in our darkest circumstances.
So we’re celebrating Thanksgiving 2012 in style – hope you can join us:
If this all sounds a little familiar, you’ll remember that we had another ‘Thankful Day’ last week, when we used The Dock’s third birthday as a chance to give thanks for the huge blessings of this past year. It started simply – a last-minute idea to give away sweets to every customer along with a slip of paper, on which they were invited to write a ‘Reason To Be Thankful’.
It ended up being one of the most powerful, profound, moving things we’ve ever done in Dock Cafe. As the slips of paper started filling the little cardboard box, it became clear that people were taking this seriously – and that everyone had something to be thankful for. Friends, family, health, warmth, welcome, Dock Cafe, strength for difficult times, success in exams, husbands, wives, children, parents, grandparents, lunch, forgiveness, creativity, Tom Hardy (?!)…
As the slips kept piling in we started making them into a chain – which will hopefully be extended as we think of more and more reasons throughout ‘Thanksgiving Day’ tomorrow.
Why not join us on one of our Thankful Thursdays and add a link to the chain – we don’t stop to give thanks often enough!