Having a deadline worked out well for us in getting the basics of Dock Cafe up and running in time for Eamonn, so we’ve given ourselves another one! Next Thursday at 3pm is when Dock Cafe will open its doors. There are a few trifling little matters to sort before then, like having running water – but we’ll do it!
But I want to invite all you people of The Dock to get involved in more than just the grand opening. Dock Cafe isn’t just a one-off next Thursday; it’s a daily space for friendship, conversation, coffee, questioning, relaxing, connecting… It will be open 11-7 Tue-Fri and 11-5 Sat; the kettle will always be on; the local art, local music and local creativity will always be on display.
So make it your local! Call in for a coffee, or a chat, or just to read the paper and enjoy a bit of space.
We’ve been asking some local people (especially the ones supplying our tea, coffee, bakes, artwork etc) to provide a few quotes to display around the room – and Cupar Pilson, whose art will be on display in the unit, summed it up perfectly:
In our busy lives sometimes we must stop, relax, and enjoy two simple pleasures…looking at interesting art with a cup of good coffee!