Christmassy Christmassy

When Michael Buble’s Christmas album appears on the Dock Cafe stereo, you’ll know that my cold cold heart has finally melted and after a few weeks of barking “It’s too early!  People shouldn’t have their trees up yet! It’s all too tacky!”, I have finally given in to the Chirstmassyness of it all…

Of course, our fantastic night at A Titanic Christmas helped.  The storm died down in time for the Christmas lights switch-on and for Santa to abseil – what a sight!  (and I have to tell you, he was still up for going ahead with the abseiling when the wind was howling.  Santa is crazy.)

And carols were sungen by candlelight…


Music was provided by the fantastic Ambulance/Police/Fire Service combined brass band (they all met at The Dock during the World Police and Fire Games this Summer)…


And marshmallows (and cold hands) were toasted by the fire…


And mulled wine, hot punch, home-made shortbread and Anniversary cake (happy anniversary, Roberta and Phil!) were eaten and drunken:

It was just all very, very Christmassy.

So Buble is now on the stereo… the pop-up market is busy with different crafts, stocking-fillers and Christmas goodies… hot punch is bubbling away… special Suki Christmas Brew tea is on the menu… and a uniquely Belfasty decoration has appeared on the Dock tree:

2013-12-06 14.16.22

Call in soon or you’re a Bah Humbug!

(Thanks to Jeremy at and to Lindsay for all the great photos.)  (The poor ones are by me.)