The sun rises over the Titanic Quarter. It’s going to be a scorching Saturday, a beautiful day in a beautiful city.
The Titanic Quarter starts to spring to life; movement at Nomadic, Titanic Belfast, slipways and docks – locals strolling, visitors exploring.
The kettle is on at The Dock; the doors open, the first customers arrive.
Today’s pop-up market stall is set up: beautiful Origami flowers at stupendously good prices.
Titanic sails past outside. It is about 8 feet long; has the long century in the water shrunk it…?
Lunchtime; the soup sells out in no time (who in the world feels like hot homemade soup on a hot day like this? Loads of people apparently.) Afternoon; the day keeps getting hotter. The Dock DIY gang bash, drill and saw away in the new extension (more on that soon…!) Chats in the Prayer Garden. Titanic Pilgrimage Walk in the sunshine (was it only 2 weeks ago that we were drenched to the skin?). As the sun streams into the cafe, the Knitting group knit in the sunny corner and the Book Group chat at the next table.
Late afternoon, a long-awaited treat: a visit to the just-opened Game Of Thrones exhibition at Titanic Belfast. The craftsmanship of the props and costumes is stupendous; it makes me incredibly proud that this top-quality production is based in Belfast.
Evening; the Faith Foundations group start to arrive. (And then keep arriving… and arriving… and arriving…) The queue for the barbecue stretches around the corner; Mace are doing a roaring trade in lollipops (you’re never too trendy for a lollipop)
Hordes of sunburnt trendy people stream into the cafe, full of sunshine and hamburger and ice-cream. They squash into their seats, sing, chat, pray, laugh, and settle down to discuss the discipline of prayer together.
The sun sets over the Titanic Quarter. It’s been a beautiful day in a beautiful city.
Wow! what a perfect day well done!!!!!