It’s becoming a Dock tradition every November… the Americans aren’t allowed to keep Thanksgiving Day all to themselves – we all need a little reminder from time to time to be thankful for the many blessings of life.
So every Dock Cafe customer today was given a Thanksgiving Liquorice Allsort and a little slip of paper to fill in their Reasons To Be Thankful…
How amazing and moving to glance through some of the slips of paper as they were left on the coffee bar. People whose lives have been transformed by new friendships formed at the Belfast Met, or who have found warmth and welcome in Dock Cafe. People who have endured difficult times which have made them so much more thankful for the basics of life.
As we start stringing together all the slips of paper for our 2013 thanksgiving chain, have you stopped for a moment yet today and reflected on your reasons to be thankful? I guarantee it’ll help you see the rest of the day in a new light.
I’m thankful for my family and friends and thankful to keep Titanic alive with telling her story threw my artwork.