Chaos Reigns…

…as it always does during the last week of February – The Dock’s annual pre-Spring refurb week.

So the cafe is closed until Sunday Evening (when we will have a grand re-opening as part of our Sunday Night On Nomadic at 6pm) so that we can take a perfectly nice cafe, turn it into a chaotic building site, and then make it even prettier and lovelier as we put it all back together!  (You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs… It has to get worse before it gets better… and other such things I can be heard muttering as I survey the devastation.)

Hats off to the volunteers who are doing a  fantastic job cleaning, dismantling, repainting, fetching, carrying, drilling, hammering, and even staggering down the road from the Drawing Office with some newly-on-loan pieces of lovely shipyard heritage.  (Or at least they will be when we’ve cleaned the bird poo off.)

And I have faith that it will all come together in time for re-opening – it always does…

This is last year’s race to the finish line: