So here’s a little suggestion to calm your worried mind as the season for panic-buying Yankee candles for Aunty Mildred approaches.
I’m willing to bet that if you give yourself one day at Dock Market, complete with your list of all the far-flung relatives you need to buy presents for, you will WIN at Christmas in one day flat. (If you don’t, your coffee is on the house!) There’s such a variety of unique, handmade gifts on offer from the Dock Market creatives that I can’t honestly imagine that you’ll need to shop anywhere else – and of course you’ll be supporting local plucky start-up businesses into the bargain.
AND you’ll be able to treat yourself to amazing freshly-cooked food and nibbles while you’re browsing.
AND you can collapse at Dock Cafe with your shopping bags afterwards and have a nice cuppa, safe in the knowledge that Christmas cannot scare you and a panicked last-minute losing battle with car park queues and psycopathic Christmas shoppers is off the menu.
So, put in your diaries RIGHT NOW the dates of the next few Dock Market days:
Saturdays 8th & 22nd November 11-4pm
Saturdays 6th, 13th & 20th December (yes, every week!) 11-4pm
Thursdays 11th and 18th 6-9pm
By the way, did you see Tanya, one of our Dock Market superstars, in the Belfast Telegraph during the week?
The article is here (note that she managed to squeeze in a shout-out for both Dock Market and Dock Cafe – score!) and her amazing Bendy artwork is on display in Dock Cafe and on sale at every Dock Market.
And just in case you’re worried that Dock Cafe is losing out in all this love for the Market recently, not a bit! We’ve been enjoying a fantastic busy bustling half-term week with all the usual life, laughter, coffee and craic…