Been there, got the T-shirt… As you can see in the pic, a team of Dock volunteers (and a strange man in a dog collar) were recently involved in A Night To Remember at Titanic Belfast – so I thought it was a perfect excuse to tell you about a few other memorable nights in Dock World.
Night To Remember no.1 – It’s Sunday Night! SUNDAY!
Yes, after a few months of experimenting with holding our monthly Dock services on a Saturday night, we are returning to Sunday Nights at The Dock as of May – first Sunday of every month at 6pm. So the next service, rather neatly, is on Sunday 1st May at 6pm at Dock Cafe – so we’ll start the new arrangement right at the beginning of a new month with a brand new series looking at how we make choices and decisions, based on an utterly fabulous book called ‘All The Places To Go’ by John Ortberg.
As always there will be plenty of coffee, chat, comfy chairs and space to be thankful, be still and be inspired – as well as a chance to sing a brand-new (and utterly gorgeous) worship song written by some of our Dock team. See you there!
Night To Remember no.2 – Pop Quiz, Hotshot
What are you doing on Thursday night? What’s the best way to give your brain cells a good workout? How can you support the Dock and raise some funds for Life in the Titanic Quarter? The answer to ALL these questions is the Dock Cafe Quiz Night on Thursday 28th April at 7pm in Dock Cafe.
It’s being organised by some of our wonderful student regulars as a thank-you for all their time spent chilling out in Dock Cafe between classes – which is pretty much a perfect example of the Dock in action! Find out more here – or just turn up either individually (£5) or as a team (£7). Don’t forget your thinking cap!
Night To Remember no.3 – Ollie’s big night
Last weekend was a memorable night for the Titanic Quarter community as we celebrated our second-ever TQ baptism (and the first one to take place in the Dock Prayer Garden)
The baptisee (is that a word?) in question was Ollie Davis – little brother of Lily Davis, who we baptised on board SS Nomadic two years ago. (So come on, rest of the world – we can’t expect the Davis family to keep building the Titanic Quarter family single-handedly!) In keeping with our core values in The Dock, Ollie’s night was shared between all our different Christian traditions, as the wonderful Karen joined me in baptising Ollie, praying for his family and giving thanks for a new life.
And then there was MUCH food (the Davises run the amazing Green Deli next door, after all).
Night To Remember no.4 – the actual Night To Remember
Hard to believe it’s now the fourth year that we’ve been holding our annual remembrance at Titanic Belfast for those lost in history’s most boundlessly fascinating shipwreck.
As always a team of Dock volunteers did a fantastic job guiding groups through the story as a series of characters dotted throughout Titanic Belfast told the ship’s story in their own words. At 11:40pm (the time the ship struck the iceberg), on a beautiful still night, we proceeded onto the slipways and illuminated the names of the lost by candlelight.
You might see some of us wearing our ‘Night To Remember’ T-shirts the next time you’re in the Dock (we got to keep them!) but whether they’re wearing a T-shirt or an apron, be sure to tell the Dock team that they are Volunteers To Remember, running a Cafe To Remember and a Market To Remember, and that these are Days To Remember in our amazing Titanic Quarter life!